
Tuesday, December 20, 2011


We went for the OSCAR test which stands for the One Stop Clinic for Assessment of Risk. This is a combination test offered during the first trimester to screen for risk of fetal anomalies, in particular Down Syndrome. Dr Lee told us that it's optional but we opt in anyway.

The screening supposedly will allow us to find out sooner if our baby has a high risk of chromosomal defects. Depending on the results of the OSCAR test, if need be, other test might be required. As Dr Lee does not perform such test, we are being referred to his partner Dr Choo Wan Ling to have the test done.

On the day of the test, Momi was first lead to a room to draw blood for the blood test. This is to allow the lab to measure the free beta- hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) and PAPP-A (pregnancy associated plasma protein A) contents. A mummy to be who is carrying a baby with the Down's Syndrome will have abnormal levels of these two substances in her blood.

After the blood test, we were lead to Dr Choo's room for the Nuchal Translucency (NT) Scan. During the NT Scan, the doctor basically is checking for the collection of fluid under the skin at the back of a baby's neck.  All babies have some fluid but babies with Down's syndrome have more.

Good news from the test was everything seems normal from the scan. However a confirmation from the lab will be more accurate. Nevertheless, it gave us yet another opportunity to peep into the baby's world inside.

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